1. Open the file: [File - Open]
A file is opened by selecting it with the File - Open menu
or dragging over an alias / shortcut of the PhotoShop application on
the desktop. The file will appear in a window on the screen in the
largest percentage which will fit. Change size of the window to a
convenient working area: [View - (size) The window size can be
changed via the View menu or by using keyboard shortcuts. On a Mac
used the Apple & "+" keys to enlarge, and Apple &
"-" to reduce.
2. Check and Adjust Levels: [ Mode - Adjust - Levels ]
The levels adjustment is the quickest means to adjust the
shadows, highlights, and overall contrast (controlled by the mid tone
Opening the levels window displays a histogram of the tones
in the photo. There are three triangular sliders under the histogram
corresponding (left to right) to the shadow, mid-tone, and highlights.
The overall contrast of the photo can be adjusted by moving the
sliders. Ideally the shadow and highlight markers should align
with the two ends of the histogram. If they don't, click on the
marker, hold down the mouse, and drag it over until it does. You will
see a corresponding change in the image on the screen. Moving the
shadow marker to the right will darken the shadow areas of the
photo. Moving the highlight marker will brighten the highlights.
In this example I was satisfied with the highlights and shadows so no
adjustment was required.
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