6. Resizing:
Normally the next step would be resizing, but in for this
example I started with a reduced copy of the original camera file.
How a file is resized depends on how it will be used. See Part 5 -
Determining Optimum Output Resolution for details on this step.
7. Sharpening:
The amount of sharpening needed will vary, depending on the size and
method of output. For this reason you should save the file before
sharpening and make sharpening the last step before output. Select Filter - Sharpen - Unsharp
Mask. PhotoShop will display the settings it determines. There are three
adjustments: amount, radius (in pixels) and threshold. I find that for
landscapes with fine details settings of amount = 200%, radius = .3, and
threshold = 1 or 2 work well. For portraits I find amount = 70% - 150%, radius
= .3, and threshold = 3 work well. See the PhotoShop manual and on-line help
for further information on unsharp masking.
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